Baseball Questionnaire School/Coach InfoSchool NameHead CoachYears as Head Coach at SchoolOffice PhoneCell PhoneEmail Team InfoTeam InfoDistrict NumberLast Year Team RecordLast Year District RecordNumber of Returning Starters?How many lettermen return from last year?How many lettermen were lost from last year?Key players lost and where they signedAll-State Recruiting CandidatesPlayer 1Name:Position:Height:Class:Comment:Player 2Name:Position:Class:Height:Comment:Player 3Name:Position:Class:Height:Comment:Player 4Name:Position:Class:Height:Comment:Player 5Name:Position:Class:Height:Comment:Top JuniorsPlayer 1Name:Position:Class:Height:Comment:Player 2Name:Position:Class:Height:Comment:Top Sophomores:Player 1Name:Position:Class:Height:Comment:Other Notable PlayersPlayer 1Name:Position:Class:Height:Comment:Player 2Name:Position:Class:Height:Comment:Player 3Name:Position:Class:Height:Comment:Returning Statistical LeadersTop Returning Leader in HittingTop Returning Hitting Leader Stats (include batting average, doubles, triples, strikeouts)Opinion ResponsesCompared to last year, the team will be…Team's Biggest StrengthTeam' Biggest WeaknessPredict District FinishPlease include your schedule for the upcoming seasonAccepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.pdf files are allowedAlso, please send an action photo of a returning player or give us the name and number or e-mail address of someone who might have an action photo that we can use in the magazine.Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.jpg, jpeg and png files are allowed. Δ